by Andrea Cosnowsky | Mar 5, 2020 | Faith, Spiritual Lens
This past month, I had the opportunity to go on a 30 day sabbatical. Sabbatical comes from the root word, Sabbath or Shabbat, meaning ‘to rest’. This concept comes from the verse in Genesis about how God rested after 6 days of creating the universe. And after 15...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Jan 23, 2020 | Soul Awareness, Spiritual Lens
Back in the AOL days, stories would make their ways around the inboxes on the internet. One email, told the story of a professor who taught about time managment. He took an empty, wide-mouthed jar and put it on the desk in front of his lecture class. He then placed...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Jan 20, 2020 | Soul Awareness, Spiritual Lens, Truth
I had what I would have ruled as a negative experience, happen. That brief exchange inspired me to take action: To write more To say “no” more often And to live my truth. It all started when I complained to my co-worker that I wasn’t happy at my job and that I was...
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