by Andrea Cosnowsky | Nov 9, 2020 | Soul Awareness, Spiritual Lens
“I’ve never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” Henry David Thoreau in Walden Solitude and being alone can be frightening. Many of us are actually afraid of being alone. The idea of solitude seems to be better left to monks and mystics and...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Aug 31, 2020 | Spiritual Lens, Trust
Sometimes I struggle with trust in God. Trusting God is such a nebulous concept. Really, for the critical thinker – to trust in God is not an easy feat. It’s the idea that I have to put aside my rational thought to believe in a Deity that has my back. Buddhism...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Jun 18, 2020 | Fear, Spiritual Lens
I’m afraid because I did something stupid. Or crazy. Maybe it was both. What I did is really scary to me. I am afraid. Lots of fear. Sometimes fear is paralyzing. Action becomes difficult. That’s when fear is neither healthy nor helpful. Sometimes, however, fear is...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | May 7, 2020 | Fear, Spiritual Lens
Why do we ghost people? I’d say it all boils down to fear. I used to ‘cut and run‘ – or ghost others, when I was afraid of facing the person with whom I need to make closure. My thinking was that once someone stopped hearing from me, they’d figure out that I...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Apr 30, 2020 | Change, Faith, Fear, Spiritual Lens
As I said in a previous post, , over thirty years ago I too had to go on welfare and therefore rely upon public aid. Still in my teens, I had dropped out of college for the second time. I was cut off from my family, and had just been...
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