by Andrea Cosnowsky | Oct 29, 2020 | Grief, Spiritual Lens
I have found that lately, many people I know feel that they are grieving. They are seized with a sense of grief, loss, foreboding, sorrow and sadness. There isn’t any one reason for the grief – it’s more of a combination. Regardless of the reason, grief has the...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Oct 1, 2020 | Soul Awareness, Spiritual Lens
A few months ago, a well meaning friend pointed out the obvious (to her) that my blog name “spiritual lens” looked like it had the word “aliens” in it. Anytime you have a confusing blog name, it is not necessarily a good thing. But then again, anytime you make a...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | Sep 28, 2020 | Soul Awareness, Spiritual Lens
I don’t speak about making amends that often in this blog. However, the process of going back in my life and healing my past through making amends has been a powerful experience. The term ‘amend’ means ‘to change’ or ‘to alter in some fashion.’ Like when we make an...
by Andrea Cosnowsky | May 7, 2020 | Fear, Spiritual Lens
Why do we ghost people? I’d say it all boils down to fear. I used to ‘cut and run‘ – or ghost others, when I was afraid of facing the person with whom I need to make closure. My thinking was that once someone stopped hearing from me, they’d figure out that I...
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