We grieve when time periods end: I used to grieve after I came home from summer camp. My parents called it depression, but today I recognize it as a form of grief. I was sad that my respite was over and that I had to return to real life and begin school once again.
We grieve when we perceive we’ve lost opportunities: Have you ever not gotten a promotion at work? Or by the time you mustered up the courage to ask someone out, they were already involved with someone else?
We grieve over perceived bad choices made in life: Looking back, I often second guess myself. Could I have made better choices? Could I have done things better, could I have been more efficient and less impetuous? Of course I could have, but I didn’t.
Exploring the Connection between Heavenly Reward and Mitzvot
I want to talk about the performing of mitzvot (good deeds). But first - a major announcement! I am going to be migrating this blog over to a new home: http://www.Rabbicosnowsky.com later this month. (It's not live yet - if you go to it now, you will see the...