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The Spirituality of Humility

The Spirituality of Humility

Humility is not an easy characteristic. Many often mistake the meaning of humility for humiliation, but it is not quite the same. They both share the same Latin root, Humilis which means, “low.” Both have their root in the state of being ‘lowered’ in some fashion....
The Spiritual Gift of Rejection

The Spiritual Gift of Rejection

I hate being rejected. Rejections seems to be the most painful of all experiences I have ever felt. For some, it is visceral and creates a painful reaction that goes to the core. Others seem to be more able to shake off the rejection with ease. I am not one of those...
How to Find Equilibrium

How to Find Equilibrium

Has anyone else noticed lately that life seems to be more overwhelming? With all of this uncertainty, those of us who crave certainty seem to more easily get thrown off course. I find that all I have to do is check the news and boom! I’m emotionally thrown off within...